
Worship Sundays in-person at 10:00am

Thankful Prayer

Thank you for joining us weekly to pray over the following items:

  • That we would give to God what we owe Him - a proper ADORATION and GRATITUDE as our Creator and Redeemer.
  • As we listen to the sermons preached, may we accept the ways of God without question and excitedly embrace the purposes and work of God in our lives. 
  • May the Holy Spirit work to bring conviction in our hearts while the Word of God goes forth, enabling us to turn away from secret and public sin and see God's ways.
  • Keep us mindful that others around us are not just listening to the message we preach but also watching the lifestyle we lead as Christians.
  • Enable us to become better students of God's Word and take the time to become better equipped to share our faith with lost souls as opportunities arise. 
  • May God be merciful to remove laziness, selfishness and a lack of concern for matters of His kingdom at Higher Ground and the church at large.
  • To weekly receive God's renewing grace to live for Him.