Higher Ground Church is a growing and diverse body of believers in Jesus Christ. We hold to the preeminent authority of the whole Bible, and rejoice in the doctrines of grace rediscovered during the Reformation.
We offer sound biblical teaching and preaching which presents faith in the Gospel of Christ as the universal cure to all that ails humankind.
What We Believe
We at Higher Ground Church generally hold to the following articles arising from the Westminster Confession of Faith, and its associated Shorter and Larger Catechisms. More specifically, we have an affinity for the New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith, as well as the tenets put forth in Mark Dever's Nine Marks of a Healthy Church.
The Bible, having been inspired by God, is entirely trustworthy and without error. It is thus the only means we have of knowing who God is and what He requires of us. As the Bible is the very Word of God, we are bound both to believe, and to be obedient to, its teachings.
The one true God, who is called the LORD, is personal, yet beyond our comprehension. He is an invisible spirit, completely self-sufficient and unbounded by space or time, perfectly holy and just, and loving and merciful. In the unity of the Godhead there are three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The LORD God created the heavens and the earth, and all they contain. He maintains absolute and total authority over every aspect of His creation, upholding and governing all things in accordance with His eternal will.
Because of the sin of the first man, Adam, all mankind is corrupt by nature, dead in sin, and subject to the wrath of God. But the LORD determined, by a covenant of grace, that sinners may receive forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ has always been the only way of salvation, in both Old Testament and New Testament times.
The Son of God took upon Himself a human nature in the womb of the virgin Mary, so that in her son Jesus the divine and human natures were united in one person, truly God and truly man. Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and died on a cross, bearing the sins of, and receiving God's wrath for, all those who trust in Him for salvation--His chosen people. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He sits as Lord, high above all power and authority. He will return to judge the living and the dead, bringing His people, gloriously resurrected, into eternal life, and consigning the wicked to eternal punishment.
Those whom God has predestined unto life are effectually drawn to Christ by the working of the Spirit as they hear the Gospel. When they believe in Christ, God declares them righteous, pardoning their sins and accepting them as righteous, not because of any righteousness of their own, but by imputing Christ's merits to them. They are adopted as the children of God and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies them, enabling them increasingly to stop sinning and act righteously. They repent of their sins (both at their conversion and thereafter), produce good works as the fruit of their faith, and persevere to the end in communion with Christ, with assurance of their salvation.
Believers strive to keep God's moral law, which is summarized in the Ten Commandments, not to earn salvation, but because they love their Savior and desire to obey Him. God is the Lord of the conscience, so that men are not required to believe or do anything contrary to, or in addition to, the Word of God in matters of faith or worship.
Christ has established His Church, and particular churches, to gather and perfect His people, by means of the ministry of the Word, the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper, and the disciplining of members found delinquent in doctrine or life. Christians assemble on the Lord's Day to worship God by praying, hearing the Word of God read and preached, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and receiving the sacraments.